Things can happen at home on rainy days. . .
Things can happen at home when you go to the YMCA to work out.

Which is exactly what your husband wants because the bright, shiny cupola will distract you from this:
Roscoe - a Pembroke Welsch Corgi that your dear husband found for free on craigslist. He mentioned it to me the other day saying a lady was giving one away for free. I assumed (silly me) that we would discuss it more - weigh the pros and cons, etc. Turns out, the lady called Erik today (conveniently while I was at the Y) and when she found out where we lived, what we did, and how Roscoe would be treated and loved, she told Erik, "I'll meet you in Cranberry Twp. He's yours!" Apparently, Roscoe previously lived on a farm and his owner had to leave said farm. She has been keeping him caged in her new place and he was just sad to live like that.

Good things can happen.
A guy can show up and finally install the beautiful copper cupola you have had stored for almost 4 years. You can pull in the driveway and see a copper rooster shining from the top of your almost finished roof. It is a joy and you will look at the sky, bending your head between the windshield and steering wheel to get a good look at it. And you won't focus on how having a bright, shiny new cupola really makes the old grey green insulbrick look even more awful. No - you won't concentrate on that for a minute!
So, we are the owners of this silly looking, cute and no doubt loveable dog. The kids think he is wonderful - Will calls him "baby" - well, because Will calls everything smaller than him baby. Maggie said she's just going to call him "Chasey" and I suggested that since his name is so similar to Rocco's, we might try calling him a new name. I thought "Hank" sounded good - but we'll see what happens. Roscoe has lived with his name for 3 years already and he may not take to a change. Although the way he's running around the place lifting his leg on everything, I'm going to guess change isn't all that hard on our new dog.
He's taking every advantage to explore the property. The other dogs aren't too sure how to handle this guy though.
Rocco is relying on his sheer size to intimidate. "Hey buddy - this is my place!"

**Imagine an audio caption with this photo - remember when Joey Lawrence played on that show, "Blossom" - we'll I'd insert an audio clip of him saying his trademark "Whoa!" here.**
I think Maverick is trying to pretend he doesn't exist, which just inspires Roscoe to get right up into Mav's face.
I can't even show you the pictures of how Roscoe is acquainting himself with Chloe. I could be brought up on distributing dog pornography charges or something.
Running total for Goodness Grows Farm?
70 some odd goats
2 geese (and mother goose is sitting on a nest)
1 donkey
7 ducks (with mother ducks sitting on at least 2 nests)
2 cows
2 cats
2 guinea hens
4 dogs
3 children
1 husband
50 chickens
I am officially outnumbered and I have given up even pretending anymore that I have any control over what happens on these 40 acres.
And I may have to stop going to the Y if things keep showing up like this - especially on rainy days.