Pet Parade 2009
One of the greatest things about living in (or near) a small town is that there are wonderful local carnivals to attend. The town we are closest to, Saxonburg, is hosting its Volunteer Firemans Carnival this week. It is tradition to kick off the week with a pet parade. Erik participated in the pet parades when he was a young boy and I'm carrying on the tradition with my kiddos. I guess in years past, there were themes for the parade for you to dress up for - like one year the theme was "great duos" and Erik & his dog dressed up as superheros. Fun. There don't seem to be many rules to the parade these days but many folks do still try to come up with fun themes.
Here are a bunch of folks getting their pets pampered and prepped to step out onto Main Street and the awaiting crowds.

Here is Miss Maggie May. She is posing as the Queen of England with her Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Hank did a great job of staying in the wagon with the Queen. I even brought the ipod with a trumpet voluntary to enhance the effect, but you couldn't really hear it with my wimpy little TJ Maxx speakers.
Here are the boys. I had wanted to dress them as the British Royal Guard - I even found Walker a red blazer to wear - but when I showed him the photo, he balked telling me he did not like the hat and he wasn't dressing as one of "those." Knowing Will undoubtedly would not wear the costume if Walker wasn't (and let's face it, where was I going to find a red 18 month blazer in June?) so I scrapped the Royal Guard idea and had an epiphany in church. I decided to dress Walker as a chef and we would bring some chickens in a wagon. Erik thought of the cleaver - I got together the materials to make it and Erik took over - hence the blood on it. You can't believe the chuckles we got from Walker's "menu" sign. Walker's dinner specials were: Roasted Chicken, Chicken Cordon Bleu and Chicken Noodle Soup.

Here is the local High School Marching Band getting ready to lead the parade. The poor kids are still in school because of the teachers strike from earlier this school year. They look kind of miserable that they have to participate in an event that is typically the KICK OFF for summer vacation.
More folks lining their pets up.
Willie James was dressed as a hobo. I thought he would jump at the chance to walk with Chloe but he jumped right into the wagon Walker was pulling and wouldn't get out for anything.
We had a lot of fun - the kids were so good and so cute, but unfortunately, we didn't win a thing. I think there should be some rules about winning - for the last few years, the winners were the same people and they don't seem to actually have any children attached to their entries.
And that folks, is the sad commentary of my life. I'm actually picking apart the judging of a local pet parade. It did break my heart a bit when Walker asked, "Momma, did I win anything?" How long will the, "No, but it was so much fun to dress up and participate" line work? I think that must be how Oscar nominees feel when they say, "It's a privilege to be nominated."
I saw some old dance or baton twirling trophies at the thrift store last week when I went looking for Walker's royal guard costume - maybe I'll go buy those up and make my own trophies for my kids.
But right now, I've got to go drafting plans for next years parade costumes . . .