Things are changing
Walking home from the bus stop last week, I noticed that leaves are starting to change color. This red was vivid against the green of the leaves. As much as I don't want to admit it, Summer is over and it is time for Fall to creep in and color our world in preparation for the Winter months. I cherish Fall because I know that it is our last hurrah of any color before the bland gray and brown, mud covered world we will experience for a good 4 or 5 months. I've heard various predictions about the winter - as usual, I'm hoping for a steady stream of snow - about one inch daily to keep my husband busy and our business steady.
Will looks out the window . . .
Maggie: "Momma! Will is looking out the window and I don't want him to."
Me: "Maggie, you don't own the outside and Will is allowed to look outside if he wants to."
Maggie: "Well, I don't want him to. He's not awowed!"
Me: "Ok, Maggie. Whatever you say."
Hello. My name is Will and I am a weapon of mass destruction and extreme torture.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
This is my favorite picture of the weekend. All three children wanted to help Erik hold boards while he was cutting them so this is the compromise.
My farm girl. She is such a princess but she will do whatever is necessary on the farm. She doesn't mind getting her hands dirty as long as she can still get her fingernails painted.
A celebration with popsicles after we finish nailing down all of the decking.
The hot-tub that all of this outdoor living space was created for! It will still be a while before it is up and running but we can't wait for it. It will be such a great treat in the winter time.
It was a hard day so the kids had to take a break after all that hard work.
Lunch on the patio.