"Well, hello, Angel!" she would exclaim - as if she hadn't just seen us the day before and like we didn't live 300 yards from her. She was always happy to see us and she never cared that we just popped into her house whenever we felt like it.
This photo is of me with them at their 25th Wedding Anniversary Party. I was pretty young here - maybe going on four, and I don't remember much about the party. I just remember that anytime we went to the Country Club with them (or any restaurant for that matter) Shirley Temples were at our fingertips within seconds. I'm pretty sure that Shirley Temples were on the menu for that special day as well.
I know that a lot of my memories are tainted by the rose colored glasses that grandchildren typically have in regards to their grandparents. I know that she had flaws and made mistakes, but there is so much about my Grammie that I remember and hope to emulate. Her husband and family always came first. She loved us all fiercely and wanted only the best for all of us. She may not have always gone about it in the best way, but her heart was in the right place.
To me, Grammie was soft pink kisses that stained your cheeks, a whiff of Chantilly Lace perfume, Harlequin Romance novels and stacks of VHS recordings of soap operas. She was a lover of everything shiney and sparkely, diamonds, real or fake, big clip on earrings, a collection purses and shoes that required their own zipcode, but most importantly, she was LOVE. She was our protector and encourager, a lady that went after what she wanted and taught us to never settle.
Most importantly, no matter who was around, how busy she was, or what the circumstance, she made me feel like I was the most important thing to her because I was her First Angel Baby.